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Choose and circle the letter of the correct verb form.
1) She was standing by the mirror C her hair.
A brush B to brush C brushing
2) It’s a hard job ______ children.
A teach B to teach C teaching
3) You’d better _______.
A go B to go C gone
4) _______ time is never found again.
A Loose B Loosing C Lost
5) This was a ________ journey.
A to fascinate B fascinated C fascinating
6) One most be careful when _________ the road.
A cross B to cross C crossing
7) ________ in Vermont, I was used to cold winters.
A Raise B Raised C Raising
8) I am _________ in scuba diving.
A interest B interesting C interested
9) This is a well- _______ author all over the world.
A knowing B known C know
10) To love means not _______ selfish.
A to be B being C been

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hawking was born healthy, but in early youth the doctors discovered he had lou gehrig's disease or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. the disease progressed very rapidly and soon almost all of hawking's muscles were paralyzed. it is not just confined to a wheelchair, he is fully paralyzed, mobility is preserved only in the fingers and separate the muscles of the face. besides, after throat surgery stephen lost the ability to speak. for communication it uses the speech synthesizer. all this did not prevent hawking become a world-renowned scientist and considered one of the smartest men on the planet. but hawking is not only undertakes research activities in the lab away from people. he writes books and actively promotes science, he lectures and teaches. hawking was married twice and has children. despite his condition and advanced age (scientist already 71 years old) he continues to conduct research and public activity, and a couple of years ago even went to a special flight with the session simulate weightlessness.

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