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Уявімо, що ви відправились у подорож до Одеси. Напишіть коротке повідомлення про те, яким видом транспорту краще подорожувати в міст

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:


1. are you allowed to wear jeans to school (to allow)?

no, we aren't.

2. were you registered to vote at elections (to register)?

no, i wasn't. (если да, то yes, i was.)

3. were you chosen to represent your school (to choose)?

yes, i was.

4. are you often praised for your personal qualities (to praise)?

yes, i am.

5. were you influenced by your elder brother or sister in your childhood (to influence)?

yes, i was. (или если нет старших братьев/сестер: no, i wasn't, because i haven't got an elder brother or sister.)

6. were you forced to make wrong decisions in your childhood (to force)?

yes, i was.

7. were you given a chance to make your own decisions when you were 14 (to give)?

yes, i was.

8. will you be forgiven for your misconduct by your best friend in future (to forgive)?

i hope i will.

9. will you be sent postcards online next week (to send)?

yes, i will.

10. will you be understood if you don’t listen what others tell

you (to understand)?

no, i won't.

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