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Put the sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue. Customer: Could I have a bottle of mineral water, please? Customer: I think I’ll take the mushroom soup and the grilled chicken with chips. Waiter: Anything to drink? Waiter: Good afternoon, sir! Here’s the menu. Can I take your order, please? Customer: Ketchup, please. Customer: A slice of lemon pie, please. Waiter: Ok, and for main course? Customer: Good afternoon! I would like to start with a green salad. Waiter: Sure. Thank you, sir. Waiter: Do you want any sauce? Waiter: How about dessert?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Waiter: Good afternoon, sir! Here’s the menu. Can I take your order, please?

Customer: Good afternoon! I would like to start with a green salad.

Waiter: Ok, and for main course?

Customer: I think I’ll take the mushroom soup and the grilled chicken with chips.

Waiter: Do you want any sauce?

Customer: Ketchup, please.

Waiter: How about dessert?

Customer: A slice of lemon pie, please.

Waiter: Anything to drink?

Customer: Could I have a bottle of mineral water, please?

Waiter: Sure. Thank you, sir.

1 he

2 they

3 we

4 she

5 he

6 he

7 they

8 he

9 we

10 they

11 he

12 It

13 It

14 не знаю, сорь

15 he

16 they

17 he

18 we

19 they

20 It


Я не уверенна, но надеюсь что правильно

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