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A Выберите нужное слово:
1 The TV show was so ........ that I almost fell asleep.
A depressing B scary C boring D interesting
2 I like to do my shopping at the big ........ on Park Street.
A department store B block of flats C hospital D hotel
3 The Incas ........ crops, like corn and cocoa.
A grew B fished C hunted D built
4 The ancient city of Babylon had thick walls to........ it from attack.
A watch B bury C protect D free
5 Rock and roll bands like The Beatles had a lot of ........ in the 1960s.
A hits B fashions C fads D crazes
6 In Pompeii, people held performances in a large ........ .
A temple B aquarium C marketplace D amphitheatre
7 The ancient Phoenicians ........ an alphabet.
A made B built C invented B built D explored
8 The Inca emperor lived in a beautiful ........ .
A fountain B palace C forum D wall
9 The Sunday market is always ........ of people.
A busy B empty C full D crowded
10 I like ........ films because they are funny.
A horror B comedy C romance D thriller
B. Выберите нужное слово:
1 The city of Pompeii was famous for its narrow /thick streets.
2 Jason wants to see a performance at the opera house / block.
3 The Navajo were a native / public tribe of North America.
4 Avatar was a great film and the plot / star was interesting.
5 The ancient Egyptians transported / travelled goods by boat.
C Поставьте глаголы в the past simple
or the past continuous.
1 We ........................................ (visit) an ancient temple last weekend.
2 What ............................................... (Tom/see) at the cinema last Friday?
3 They ............................................... (watch) TV when the phone rang.
4 The Vikings ................... (carry) goods by boat.
5 When I saw her, she ......................................... (talk) to Jeff.
6 Where ............................................ (they/live) when they were young?
7 The girls ................ (sleep) in their room while the boys ..................... (play) computer games.
8 The Navajo Indians ........................................... (not/build) houses from stone.
9 ............................. (you/see) the Machu Picchu ruins when you were in Peru?
10 He ................................ (fly) to Rome this time last Monday.

D Вставьте had, could, was или were.
1 The people of Pompeii ................ public baths and running water.
2 The stone buildings of Machu Picchu ................ very strong.
3 I watched Indiana Jones on Saturday. It ............. a very exciting film.
4 The Spanish ................ colonies all over South America.
5 In ancient times, only the Phoenicians ............... make purple-coloured dye.

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Ответы на вопрос:

3. He makes me funny
4. New York is a city
( на 4 нз это и страна и город )
5. Madrid is not a country
6. She is at the library
7. Yes, my name is Jennifer
8. They aren’t late
9. Math is easy
10. Earth is a planet
11. I am in the car
12. It is useful
13. He isn’t sick
14. No, Toronto is not the capital city
15. Rabbits are not dangerous
16. Number 16 is the last sentence

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