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Контрольная работа Модуль 5

1. Vocabulary. Fill in the missing word.

all-star, melody, add, spray, street artist, tune, model making,

artistic, special effects, stunts, painting

1. Photographer Tim will _____________ a new photography show on Channel 4 this summer.

2. Joe Tyler is an exciting new _____________who wants to bring colour to the pavements of London.

3. Children often express their ____________ creativity through finger painting and drawing.

4. Some Hollywood actors like to perform their own ____________, no matter how dangerous these are.

5. Ann spent her weekend _______________ the local landscape.

6. I really like the theme _________ to that soap opera. It’s got a really nice ____________ .

7. The ______________ in Harry Potter were brilliant; it really looked like the characters could do magic.

8. Tom made a fantastic replica of an ancient ship in _________________ class.

9. Graffiti artists use _____________ paint.

10. A good film doesn’t always have to have an ____________ cast.

2. Grammar. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. Your car is __________ (comfortable) than mine.

2. I think this painting must have been __________ (difficult) to paint than that one.

3. She is the __________ (beautiful) girl in the school.

4. This exercise is __________ (big) than the last one.

5. The Battle of Warsaw was the _______ (great) battle of all times.

6. Russia is the __________ (large) country in the world.

7. This is the ___________ (interesting) book I have ever read.

8. Today we wrote a __________ (difficult) dictation than yesterday.

9. You need to be a bit ___________ (patient) with them.

10. Some people ever think that Batman and Robin is the _________ (bad) superhero film ever made.

3. Idioms. Translate into English.

1. в центре внимания - __________________________________________________________

2. оба участника несут ответственность - __________________________________________

3. быть ответственным - ________________________________________________________

4. держать ответ - ______________________________________________________________

5. застрять в пробке - ___________________________________________________________

6. ждать с нетерпением - ________________________________________________________

7. быстро развивающийся - ______________________________________________________

8. сбивать с ног - ______________________________________________________________

9. делать снимок - _____________________________________________________________

10. отдавать долг - _______________________________________________

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) autumn is a rainy season in belarus 2 ) water and air necessary for life.3 ) in the evening i drink tea or milk, but not coffee.4 ) the milk is too cold, don't drink it.5 ) he asked for a glass of water.6 ) this is a very simple question. the student can answer it.7 ) show me an article that you wrote.8 ) ivanov went to the south this morning.9 ) sorry, i can't have lunch with you.

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