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Cоставьте предложения в causative, изменяя временную форму глагола have. Например: Mum (her dress /make ) yesterday. Mum had her dress made yesterday. Had стоит в Past Simple, т.к. есть показатель yesterday.
1)Amanda (the carpet/ clean) on Saturdays
2)Lynn (her hair/do) for the wedding now.
3) Last year Mike (a cake/make) for his son’s birthday.
4) They (their house/ paint) next month.
5) Den always (his car/repair) in this car service.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  the jacksons have got a house not far from (the)  history museum.2.  walls (in) my room are green.3.do you have (the)  same book? 4.when (did) they (go) to the history museum? 5.he (is)  going to visit the history museum. 6.are you going (to)  play tennis next sunday? 7.there is (a) bus stop near mr carter`s office. 8.(there) is  a bookshop near our school. 9.next year (there) will be a bookshop near our school. 10.next year she will (be) ten

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