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3. Сравните употребление Present Perfect и Past Simple. Раскройте скоб¬ки и поставьте глагол в правильном времени.
1. — The train just (go). — You are mistaken, the train (go) 10 minutes ago. 2. — Where you (put) my book? 1 can’t find it anywhere. — I (put) it on the shelf yesterday. 3. — I (not see) Mary forages. And you? — I (see) her last summer. 4. — You ever (dream) to become an astronaut? — I (dream) to be an astronaut in my childhood. 5. — Ann (ring) me up today? — Yes, she (ring) you up in the morning, and she just (ring) you up but you were out. 6. — We (not get) any letters from Phil fora longtime. And you? — I (get) a letter from him two days ago. 7. — The dog just (eat) my sandwich. — No wonder, it is hungry, you (not feed) it yesterday evening. 8. 1 never (be) to St. Petersburg. And you? — 1 (be) there in May. 9. — You (bring) the papers 1 need? — Yes, 1 (bring) them in the evening. 10. — You (read) any books about Harry Por¬ter? — Certainly, I (read) all of them last month.

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My dream room is very big and light. there is one window and there are no curtains. the wallpapers   are orange and green. on the wall there are a lot of posters. there are no plants. there is a sofa, a desk, a computer on the desk, a wardrobe. there is a tv on the wall. there is a sport area in the corner. there is a  music centre. my dream room is a place where i live alone, where i can do sports and listen to music oo watch tv and of course invite my friends. 

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