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Ex. 1 Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous
1. I … never … (be) to Australia.
2. … he …… (repair) his car since 4 o’clock?
3. Jenna …. (talk) to the marketing director since 5 o’clock.
4. …. he … (pass) the exam yet?
5. Uncle Tim … (decorate) the New Year Tree since morning.
6. My father …. (send) application letters for half a year already and still he hasn’t got a job.
7. We ….. just … (meet) an American actor.
8. … your husband … (sell) the house yet?
9. I … (start) my new job yet.
10. I …. (search) for it for a long time.
11. … you ever … (be) to New York?

Ex. 2 Choose the right tense form.
1. Nina has been learning/has learned English for 2 years.
2. The birds have already flown/have been flying to the South.
3. They have known /have been knowing him for many years.
4. Mike has forgotten/has been forgetting to learn the poem.
5. The children have been watching/have watched cartoons for 2 hours.
6. The train has just come/has been coming.

Ex. 3 Поставь глагол в скобках в Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous.
1. I (not to see) him for ages.
2. He (to do) his lessons since lunch.
3. I (not to hear) about him for a long time.
4. I (to drive) since I was 17.
5. Jack (to fail) his driving test three times because к doesn't know how to park.
6. I think he (make) a lot of improvement.
7. Alice (not/pass) her driving test because she doesn’t know the rules well.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. 1) I have never been to Australia.

2) Have you been repairing his car since 4 o’clock?

3) Jenna has been talking to the marketing director since 5 o’clock

4) Has he passed the exam yet?

5) Uncle Tim has been decorating the New Year Tree since morning

6) My has been sending application letters for half a year and still he hasn’t got a job

7) We have just met an American actor

8) Has your husband sold the house yet?

9) I haven’t started my new job yet

10) I have been searching for it for a long time

11) Have you ever been to New York?

2. 1) has been learning

2) have already flown

3) have known

4) have been watching

5) has just come

3. 1) haven’t seen

2) has been doing

3) haven’t heard

4) have been driving

5) has failed

6) has made

7) hasn’t passed


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