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An Englishman’s home is his …..

cesurity. castle. palase
Let sleeping dogs …..

sleep. dream. lie
Many ….. make light work

servands. coocs. hands
It takes all sorts to make a …..

world. war. salad
Prevention is better than …..

cure. purshiment. medicine
….. is thicker than water.

coffee. blood . soup
A miss is as good as a …..

mister. mile. wife.
Birds of a ….. flock together.

family. feather. cage
It’s no use crying over …..milk.

sour. spilt. tinned
….. begins at home.

charity. learning. love

очень надо хеелп

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Ответы на вопрос:

is allowed / writes / are held / clear /

collect / made / speak / learn / use

Популярно: Английский язык