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Выберите правильные слова в скобках
1)She asked me whether I (had mopped/ will mop/ will not mop) the floor.
2) She asked me if I (was/ will be/ would be) the owner of the dog.
3) She asked me if I (would leave/ will leave/ had left) my bag.
4)He asked me if I (had read/ will read/ will not read) the whole article.
5) He asked me when I (will call/ won t call/ had called) him the other day.

Выберите правильные слова в скобке
1) She asked me where I ( had left/ will leave) my purse.
2)She asked him what he ( will do/ had done) for saving situation.
3) She asked them whether they ( would send/ will send)
4)She asked them whether they ( was/ will be) at home alone.
5) She asked her if she ( will wash/ had washed) the car the day before.
6) He asked me whether I ( had met/ met) her before.
7) Sam asked me whether I ( will receive/ receved) his proposal.
8) She asked me why I ( will not tell/ had not told) the truth.
9) They asked him why he (had been/ will be) so naughty.

Запишите правильную форму глагола.
1) She asked me whether I (be) at home the day before.
2) They asked him if he (read) the article the day before.
3) She asked me if I (be) here the following day.
4)He asked me why I (be) so frustrated the previous day.
5) Jane asked me when I (write)the project the other day.
6) She asked me whether I (go) sailing the next day.

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Ответы на вопрос:


1)She asked me whether I had mopped the floor.

2) She asked me if I was the owner of the dog.

3) She asked me if I had left my bag.

4)He asked me if I had read the whole article.

5) He asked me when I had called him the other day.


1) She asked me where I had left my purse.

2)She asked him what he had done for saving situation.

3) She asked them whether they would send

4)She asked them whether they was at home alone.

5) She asked her if she had washed the car the day before.

6) He asked me whether I had met her before.

7) Sam asked me whether I received his proposal.

8) She asked me why I had not told the truth.

9) They asked him why he had been so naughty.


1) She asked me whether I had been at home the day before.

2) They asked him if he had read the article the day before.

3) She asked me if I would be here the following day.

4)He asked me why I had been so frustrated the previous day.

5) Jane asked me when I had written the project the other day.

6) She asked me whether I would go sailing the next day.


sebastian vettel - one of the most famous people in the sport. he fulfilled his cherished dream and became a four-time world champion.

sebastian was born in the summer of 1987 in the german city of heppenheim.

after 6 years, his two sisters were born, whom the boy loved and raised. the father of the family was the owner of the karting track, so the children often spent time on karting. when sebastian was 4 years old, his parents gave him a go-kart machine. this birthday becomes the starting point in the biography of a guy who from a young age dreamed of a racing driver. the career of the german rider is rapidly breaking up, thanks to the persistence of sebastian and the thirst for victory. in 2006, fett was officially appointed to the position of the third pilot in the bmw team, in exchange for robert kubica, who went on promotion, who replaced canadian jacques villeneuve. in the sessions of free races young rider repeatedly sat behind the wheel of a racing car. having proved his professionalism, he becomes a test driver for the bmw sauber.

for 2017 the driver is bound by a contract with ferrari. he responds positively about the team, but regrets that for the time being he does not have a sufficiently powerful machine for winning victories. sebastian wants to raise this team to the top of olympus “formula 1 ″ and even assumes that he will be forced to leave a career if this does not happen.

на себастьян феттель - один из самых известных людей в автоспорте. он исполнил свою заветную мечту и стал четырехкратным чемпионом мира. себастьян появился на свет летом 1987 года в городе хеппенхайм.   (это абзац) через 6 лет родились две его сестренки, которых мальчуган любил и воспитывал. отец семьи являлся владельцем картодрома, поэтому дети часто проводили время на картинге. когда себастьяну исполнилось 4 года, родители подарили ему картинговую машинку. этот день рождения становится отправной точкой в ​​биографии парня, который с юных лет мечтал о карьере гонщика. карьера гонщика стремительно рвется вверх, упорству себастьяна и жажде победы. в 2006 году фетта официально назначают на должность третьего пилота в команду bmw, взамен пошедшего на повышение роберта кубицы, который заменил канадца жака вильнева. в сессиях свободных заездов молодой гонщик неоднократно сидел за рулем гоночного болида. доказав профессионализм, становится тест-пилотом bmw sauber. (это абзац) на 2017 гонщик связан контрактом с ferrari. отзывается о команде положительно, но сожалеет о том, что пока у него недостаточно мощная машина для одержания побед. себастьян мечтает поднять эту команду на вершину олимпа "формулы 1" и даже предполагает, что будет вынужден оставить карьеру, если этого не произойдет.

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