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2 Read the newspaper report and write 5 questions.

‘Obi Hayot’: Better Drinking Water

A new program of centralised water supply in the countryside is being carried out in

the republic. During the realisation of the previous program 7,400 kilometres of water

supplies were built in rural areas. The new program calls for the construction of more

than 9,500 kilometres. Its financing will be both from centralised sources, and from the

farms themselves, and credits from banks and investors. Specialized organisations in

the system of the Ministry of Agriculture are trying to improve the quality of drinking wa-

ter. The joint-stock company ‘Obi Hayot’ has established direct contacts with companies

in Germany, Japan and other states. Their aim is together to develop new technology

for water supply. They promise that the new pipelines will improve the taste of the water

they will supply too!​

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Ответы на вопрос:

23 февраля, день защитника отечества, ставший поистине народным мужским днем не только в россии, но и на обломках когда-то могущественного . его празднуют еще и в украине, белоруссии, приднестровье и казахстане.

как появился эта красная дата в наших календарях?   праздника 23 февраля  – с далекого 1918 до наших дней.                             february 23, fatherland defender's day became a truly national men's day, not only in russia, but on the ruins of the once mighty soviet union. it is celebrated also in ukraine, belarus, transnistria and kazakhstan.

how did this red date in our calendars? the history of the holiday, february 23 – from the distant 1918 to the present day.


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