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1. Выпишите те предложения, в которых относительные местоимения могут быть пропущены, но смысл останется прежним.

She met a woman who works on TV. (Она встретила женщину, которая работает на ТВ.)
The thing that I like about Nick is his punctuality. (Что мне нравится в Нике – это его пунктуальность.)
It was the funniest book that I have ever read. (Это была самая смешная книга, которую я когда-либо читала.)
What is the name of the perfume which you are wearing today? (Как называются духи, которыми вы пользуетесь сегодня?)
The hotel where they stayed was terrible. (Отель, в котором они остановились, был ужасным.)
I don’t really know why she is crying. (Я действительно не знаю, почему она плачет.)
Amanda is my best friend who I can always rely on. (Аманда – моя лучшая подруга, на которую я всегда могу положиться.)
My boss Ted, who is Spanish, plays the guitar. (Мой босс Тед, будучи испанцем, играет на гитаре.)
Who was that boy who you were talking to? (Кто был тот парень, с которым ты разговаривал?)
The company which I work for is based in Italy. (Компания, на которую я работаю, основана в Италии.)

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Ответы на вопрос:

british food has traditionally been based on a different types of meet, fish and served with potatoes and other vegetables. many of british dishes are also based on flour, butter and eggs.

the traditional english breakfast consists of sausages, fried bread, baked beans, mushrooms, bacon,eggs and a cup of coffee. however, such breakfast is not very popular now, and it is more likely to be a slice of toast, juce, a bowl of cereals and a cup of coffee.  for lunch children and adalts in britain usually have so called "packed lunch", which consists of a sandwhich, some fruit and a drink. as for the dinner, people prefer to have lamb, pork, chicken, fish, beef and of course potatoes, carrots, cabbages, onion and peas. 



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