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I.Rewrite using the reported speech.

1."Keep your money to yourself," dad said to his son.


2."Could you help me with these bags, please?" she asked the man.


3."Stop shouting at her, Megan!" he said to her.


4."Why did you call me?" she asked her. __________________________________________________________________

5."That was the best experience I've ever had." Lily said to her aunt. __________________________________________________________________

6."I will come in a week and decorate the house." the decorator said to her. __________________________________________________________________

7."We have to write an article to our editor," she said. __________________________________________________________________

8."I have ordered a take out for dinner," Mary said.


9."Did he make that himself?" Adam asked Eric.


Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. я хотел бы заняться теннисом.

i would like to take up tennis.

2. , сними свой свитер. тепло.

take off your sweater please. it’s warm in here.

3. я получил свою первую зарплату и хочу пригласить тебя в ресторан за свой счет.

i have got my first salary and want to take you out to restaurant.

4. мои друзья говорят, что я похожа на бритни спирс. мы выглядим одинаково.

my friends say that i take after britney spears. we look the same.

5. я думаю, что тебе нужно ушить эту блузку. она слишком большая для тебя.

i think that you should take in this blouse. it too big for you.

6. я думаю, ты возглавишь компанию, когда дедушка станет старым.

i think that you will take over the company when your grandfather gets old.

7. мистер джонс хорош в готовке.

mr. jones is brilliant at cooking.

11. мой отец гордиться моими достижениями.

my dad is proud of my achievements.

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