Есть ответ 👍

50 баллов!
С о вещах, которые должна делать ваша семья на следующих выходных
-Will father's car be washed? - No, it won't .
Will a pie be cooked for the patry? - it certainly will.
6 предложений!
(можете написать на русском, я сама переведу)

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1)-Мы можем посмотреть передачу? - конечно, давай посмотрим 2)-мы сегодня пойдём в парк? - сегодня будет дождь, давай в другой раз. 3) -мы будем работать в огороде? —да сегодня много дел. 4) -Ты расскажешь мне сказку? -нет, ты уже взрослый. 5)-можно я приготовлю блины? - нет, ты можешь обжечься. 6) - Когда мы пойдём за грибами? - когда ты захочешь.


1) -Can we watch the show? - of course, let's see 2) - are we going to the park today? - Today it will rain, come on another time. 3) - will we work in the garden? —Yes a lot to do today. 4) -Do you tell me a story? No, you're already an adult. 5) -can I make pancakes? - No, you can get burned. 6) - When will we go for mushrooms? - when you want.

1 общие -меняешь местами подлежащее и сказуемое

2 специальные -добавляешь вопросительное слово

3 разделительные -берёшь утвердительное предложение (there is a book on the ставишь запятую и пишешь глагол+знак вопроса.

  1. there is a book on the table. is there a book on the table? where is a book? there is a book on the table, isn’t it?    

2. he must work hard today.   must he work hard today? when must he work? he must work hard today, mustn’t he?

3. we are leaving for moscow next week. are we leaving for moscow next week? when are we leaving for moscow? we are leaving for moscow next week, aren’t we?  

4. we were reading the whole evening. were we reading the whole evening? how long were we reading? we were reading the whole evening, weren’t we?  

  5. they don't go to work on sunday. don't they go to work on sunday?

6. it is not cold today. is it not cold today?

7. ann has already begun to read a new book. has ann already begun to read a new book?

8. we learn english at school. do we learn english at school?  

9. they will show you how to get there. will they will show you how to get there?

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