Есть ответ 👍

Упражнение 1.
1. She didn't watch the film last night, ________?
2. It is great to see each other again, __________?
3. He comes every Friday, _________?
4. You went to Tom's last weekend, _________?
5. You don't like tripe, ___________?
6. She isn't much of a cook, ________?
7. You weren't invited to the party, __________?
8. She is from a small town in China, ________?
9. We are late again, ________________ ?
10. Julie isn’t a teacher, ________________ ?

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1.She didn't watch the film last night, did she?

2.It's great to see each other again, isn't it?

3.He comes every Friday, doesn't he?

4.You're married, aren't you?

5.You went to Tom's last weekend, didn't you?

6.You don't like tripe, do you?

7.She isn't much of a cook, is she?

8.He hasn't lived here long, has he?

9.You weren't invited to the party, were you?

10.He'll go lo university, won't he?

11.They hadn't visited you before, had they?


Личный опыт

1. Is she

2. isn't it

3. isn't he

4. aren't you

5. are you

6. is she

7. were you

8. isn't she

9. aren't we

10. is she


We have not got a new flat.

Have you got a new flat? ​


not - создает отрицание

Популярно: Английский язык