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Выберите правильную форму глагола. (Напишите номер предложения и выбранный вариант)

He usually goes/is going/has gone to school by bus.

2. Yesterday morning I am getting up/has got up/got up at 6.30.

3. What is Peter doing/does Peter do/was Peter doing now?

4. Please don’t make so much noise. I was studying/am studying/studied.

5. Have you heard/Did you hear/Do you hear anything from Tom since Christmas?

6. Have you gone/Did you go/Are you goingout last night?

7. New York is/be/does one of the largest cities in the world.

8. It is raining/was raining/rained now.

9. John never won/has never won/was never winning a prize at a race.

10. We have done/did/are doing a lot last Sunday.

11. I did not find/was not finding/have not found my ring yet.

12. They have built/build/will build this house next summer

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

2.got up
4.am studying
5.have you heard
6.did you go
8.it is raining
9.has never won
11.have not found
12.will build

1. have // shall help 2. if i were you i would go to the usa to see my uncle. 3. were // would go ( возможен вариант : аm // shall go) 4. lived //would speak ( возможен вариант : live // shall speak ) 5. had // would help 6. didn't give // wouldn't survive 7. have // shall buy 8. see // shall tell 9. turns up // shall discuss 10. knew // wouldn't go

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