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1 To smoke/Smoking makes your skin look old.
2 The birds in that area are having difficulty finding/to find trees to build nests in.
3 He is believed to have written/to have been writing the book in two days.
4 We finally persuaded Anna coming/to come with us.
5 She cleaned the walls, then went on to paint/painting them.
6 I really don’t remember saying/to say anything like that.
7 My dad and I used to eat at that restaurant all the time, and I can’t imagine to go/going there without him.
8 I would rather she comes/came tomorrow.
9 Can you stop to buy/buying some bread on the way home? We’ve run out.
10 We must tell/to tell her what happened.
1 They have been to/in France three times.
2 I worked since/until 5:00, and then I went home.
3 Helen was playing football when she hurt/was hurting her leg.
4 He had breakfast, got dressed, and drove/was driving to work.
5 When we lived near the beach, we were going/went swimming every day.
6 They’ve been watching TV since/for three hours!
7 John went to the gym. After/Afterwards, he had a shower.
8 She didn’t used/use to eat chocolate.
9 How long/How long ago did you move here? 10 It’s three days since/ago I spoke to Peter.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. батькам

2. дивлюся телевізор

3. роблю уроки

4. гуляю з друзями надворі

5. навчаюся новому

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