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Переведите предложения , используя Present Perfect или Past Simple

20) Мы только что приготовили вкусный мясной пирог.

21) Вчера она купила маме интересный подарок.

22) 2 дня назад они вернулись из путешествий.

23) Я знаю его уже 7 лет.

24) Пушкин написал прекрасные произведения о любви
25) Смотри! Я нашла эту книгу.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

20) We just made a delicious meat pie.

21) Yesterday, she bought her mom an interesting gift.

22) 2 days ago they returned from travel.

23) I have known him for 7 years.

24) Pushkin wrote beautiful works of love

25) Look! I found this book.

Ithink that teenagers shouldn't work at study time. we so lazy for that and all we can do is swear at the fact that we were forced to work. but what people mean when they say "work at study time"? we go to school everyday and we working! we doing our homework and we attend lessons, and for that we get grades. not always good but at work there are also bad days. ps: please don't use it seriously for your answer, but if it an english olympiad you can win. all the best

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