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Put each of the following words in its correct place in the passage below.

disagreement friction nag resentment

aggressive jealous row troublemaker

I've always had a feeling of (a) ____________ towards my older brother, John, because he always received more attention from our parents. There has always been (b) ____________ between us. And now that I'm more successful than he is in my job, he is (c) _______________ of me. We've never actually had a (d) ____________, just the occasional (e) ____________, but we've never got on well. And his wife likes to make things worse. She's a real (f) ___________ a nasty, argumentative, quarrelsome, (g) _____________ woman. I've heard her (h) _____________ John continually to get a better job, a bigger house, a nicer car.


Instructions as above.

blush sweat tongue-tied embarrassment shy

nerves stammer tremble tranquillizer faint

I have to tell you that my (a) _________ aren't very good. Last week I went for a job interview and my hands began to (b) __________ my palms started to (c) __________ and my face was red because I always (d) __________ with (e) ___________ on these occasions. I've always been very (f) __________ with other people. When I was asked questions I was completely (g) _____________ and I could only (h) ____________. I felt (i) ___________ and wished I had a (j) ____________ to calm me down. I didn't get the job. A pity. I would like to have been a television newsreader.


Put each of the following words in its correct place in the passage below.

achieve confidence ladder ambitious exploit

achievement determined power ruthless ability

I've never been (a) ________ in the normal sense. I've never wanted to be a manager or director. I've never wanted to reach the top of the (b) ________ or to have (c) _______. But I've always had a wish to (d) _________ something, to write a book, climb a mountain, win a prize. This is not because I want fame or money but just that simple feeling of (e) ________ you get when you've done something difficult. I'm not very sure of myself and it would be good for my (f) _________ to succeed in something. Some people will lie, (g) _______ other people, be dishonest, do anything, in order to succeed. They will be absolutely (h) ________. But I think the people who deserve to succeed are those who are (i) ________ and have (j) __________.


Instructions as above.

boast proud vain thick-skinned

conceited pride snob contemptuous

Mrs Watson next door thinks she is better than other people. She thinks she is superior, 'high class'. In other words, she's a (a) ________. She is very (b) _________ of herself and very (c) _______ of other, 'ordinary' people. I've heard her (d) ________ to neighbours about her lovely house, her big car, her husband's high salary. She's a very (e) _______ person too, always admiring herself in a mirror. Mr Watson also has a very high opinion of himself. His neighbours think that he is a very (f) _______ person, but the Watsons are both so (g) ________ that other people's criticism of them has no effect on them at all. I think that one day they'll find that they have no friends left, and then they'll be sorry, (h) ______ comes before a fall.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ihave a lot of friends. most of them are classmates. my best friend called andrey. he is fourteen. he lives with his parents not far from the school. andrey has a lot of hobbies: he likes to play the computer, to read detective stories, to collect butterflies. he likes animals, espesially cats. he 

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