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My mother is … English teacher. I am …… student. When I get home from school, I…..watch programs on TV. That’s…….. best part of my day…… Programs I watch are for………children. I am ……..child, so I think they are funny.
2. I’m….. little excited because it’s……. Friday. There are……lot of good shows on TV today. ….….one I usually watch is at 3:30. It’s about …………animals. Also, I’m excited today because my mother is making ……... rice for dinner. Later, after eating dinner and doing my homework, I go to my room and read……… book for 30 minutes. Then I turn off…… light and go to….. bed.
Moving to …….United States was…… most exciting thing I have ever done. I moved last year to…...... New York. New York is…… exciting city, full of …… adventure. In fact, I saw …… famous actor on
street yesterday!
Today, I have ….. job interview at …… financial company…… company has ……offices all over …… world. I’m not sure that I have …….. skills to get hired. I hope so……. Company‘s office is on……. Main Street. That’s ……. same street my friend works on. If I get hired, I could meet him after ……..work for drinks. That would be great. He’s from …….Scotland. He works 8 hours…….day, 5 days ….. week.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. (did you go) anywhere yesterday? – we (went) to a party. sheila (had) birthday yesterday. we (had) a wonderful time. – really? it (was) so good? who (showed up)? – oh, all sort of people. it’s a pity you (weren't) there. 2. he (will come) to see me next year. 3. what (are you doing) at the moment? can you help me with my project? – oh, i’m busy just now. i (am fixing) my mixer. but if you can wait i (will help) - yes, i can. 4. what (is tom doing)? why (isn't he practising)? – he (is having) some rest. 5. the stranger (climbed) into his car and (drove away), and when he (noticed) later that his speedometer (indicated) seventy-five, he (laughed) at himself but (didn't slow down)

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