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Complete the facts and tips about different places in the world. Use the superlative forms of the adjectives or the most / the least with the nouns.
1. ____ (big) national park in the world is in Greenland.
2. ____ (fast) roller coaster in Europe is in Spain.
3. Canada has ____ (long) coastline in the world. It's great for sightseeing.
4. ____ (expensive) hotel in the world is in Dubai. The rooms cost over $10,000 a night.
5. ____ (good) time to visit Thailand is from November to February. These are the months with ____ (good) weather because there is____ (rain).
6. Summer is ____ (bad) time to visit Venice because that's when there are ____ (tourists).
7. The city that has____ (people) in the United States is New York City.
8. The city with____ (large) population in the world is Shanghai.
9. ____ (deep) lake in th.e world is Lake Baikal in Siberia.
10. ____ (small) country in the world is Vatican City in Rome. It's also ____ (populated) country with only 500 inhabitants.

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Dear ann,i hope you are well. the expedition isamazing. you won’t believe what i saw today.we were walking through the jungle thismorning when professor summerlee pointed toa large mark on the ground. it was a giantfootprint. then we heard loud noises comingfrom the bushes and went to investigate. icouldn’t believe my eyes. there was a group ofhuge reptile type animals; two adults andthree young. they were enormous and lookedlike something i have never seen in my life.they were as tall as trees and seemed to havethe strength of several elephants. we watchedthem for a few minutes and then they left.i know you will find it difficult to believebut i think they are prehistoric. i’ll tell youmore when i get back.yours, paul

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