Есть ответ 👍

Вставь many/much/ a lot of.
1) There is ______ milk in the carton.
2) Are there _____ people at the cinema today?
3) He has got ______ money.
4) There isn’t _____ sugar in this coffee.
5) Is there _____ orange juice in the jug?
6) She has got _____ books in her bag.
7) Have you got ____ friends?
8) There aren’t ____ biscuits in the packets.

2. Соедини во с ответом.
1) Do you eat many hamburgers? a) Two: a dog and a cat.
2) Have you got many computer games? b) No, not many.
3) How many pets have you got? c) Not much, about two hours every day.
4) How much is this T-shirt? d) No, I haven’t got any.
5) How much time do you spend doing your homework? e) $ 15.

3. Вставь some или any
1) They need ____ bananas.
2) We can’t buy ____ posters in this shop.
3) We haven’t got ____ oranges at the moment.
4) Tom has bought ____ new books.
5) He always takes ____ sugar with her coffee.

1. Some или any.
1) I have seen ____ nice postcards in this souvenir shop.
2) There aren’t ____ folders in my bag.
3) I have ____ magazines for you.
4) There are ____ apples on the table.
5) Kate does not have ____ pencils on her desk.
2. Переведи фразы, используя слова much или many.
Много кофе, много красных мячей, много яблочного сока, много друзей, много чёрного чая, много сахара, много интересных книг, много молока, много лимонов, много сыра, много масла, много звёзд, много мяса, много разноцветных карандашей.

3. Назовите продукт по описанию.
1. You need me to make a sandwich or toast. – B_________
2. I’m yellow or white. I’m made from milk. People like me on their pizza. — C___________
3. People eat us fried, boiled or scrambled. — E_______
4. I’m a very popular fast food with a sausage in the middle. — H______________
5. I’m a long yellow fruit. — B_____________
6. Rabbits love this orange vegetable. – C_______________

4. ответь на во полным предложением)
1. How often do you eat at restaurants?
2. What’s your favorite food?
3. What food do you hate?
4. What’s your favorite ice-cream flavor?

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. we will fly

2. I will go to school by bus

3. i translated

4. Will you have dinner next night?

5. Did you help me

Популярно: Английский язык