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Can anyone tell me where I can have a nice
holiday abroad? If I 1) ............ .....(have)
enough time and money, 12)..............
(take) a trip around Australia, but I only have a
week off and can't afford to spend too much. So,
If anyone 3)
.....(know) where I can
have fun but affordable holidays, 1
4) ................ (appreciate) the suggestions!
Kevin, Scotland
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
1 A: I'm not well. I think I got food poisoning,
B: If I were you, I .......
............ (see) a
doctor immediately.
2 A: What are you going to do in Sydney?
B: Well, if there's a show on at the Opera
House, we ....................(go) and see it.
3 A: Can I take more than one suitcase with me?
B: You'd better not. You pay more If your luggage
................(be) over the weight limit.
4 A: Isn't the view amazing?
B: Absolutely! If I ..................... (have) my
camera, I'd take some great photos.
5 A: Don't you ever sunbathe?
B: No, if I .......... ........... (stay) in the
sun for even five minutes, my skin goes red.
6 A: This hotel is so expensive!
B: Yes, but if we book now, we ..
(get) better rates.
Hey Kevin! If I 5).. .....(be) you
16).................. (book) a package holiday
for Ball. I did the same last year and it was terrific!
If you 7). ......... (like) having fun in the
sun, it's certain that you 8)...........
(love) Bali. And if you 9) ................ (make)
all the arrangements online it 10) ...........
(cost) you less, because you don't have to pay a
travel agent's fee. So, go for it!
Pawel Warsaw

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. He likes his new job because it is challenging and not ...

c) boring

2. This manager is responsible … increasing customer numbers.

a) for

3. It is very difficult to … a new market when you have no experience of it.

a) enter

4. John believed he deserved ... he just asked his boss for one.

c) what

5. If the government … taxation it will gain a lot of popular support.

a) cuts

6. My former colleague ... the sales team at the moment.

b) is helping

7. Last week the General Manager … the reduction of staff costs by 10%.

a) announced

8. I am writing to apply … the position of Senior Computer Programmer.

a) for

9. He gave me … advice which was really useful in my business.

c) some

10. When I … English, I found I could cope with the grammar if I had my

grammar book beside me.

c) was studying

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