Task 1. Choose the suitable word(s). Keep in mind that only one variant is correct.

1) A: Hullo, Tony. Where 11 you been?

B: We've 12 back from a holiday 13 the country.

A: When did you go?

A: Wе went on the 14 of July.

B: 15 a good time?

A: Yes, it was very good.

12 A are В do С has D have

12 A came just В come just С just came D just come

13 A in B at Con D to

14 A fifty В fifteen С fiftieth D fifteenth

15 A Had vou В Did vou have С Have you got D Were you having

2) A: 16 drive a car when you 17 16 years old?

B: No, and I 18 can't drive a car. I go everywhere by bus.

A: Doesn't that take 19 ?

B: Not always. Sometimes it's 20 by car.

16 A Did you could В Did you can С Could you D Can vou

17 A had В have got С were D was

18 A still В yet С now D already

19 A many times В much time С long time D a long time

20 A quickly asВ quicker as С quicker than D quickly than

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Ответы на вопрос:

The american ambassador buys an english castle. the ambassador moves into the castle with his wife and children. one night mr. went out of the room and saw a ghost. at night the ghost makes a terrible roar.   the ghost gets sick, but soon comes to his senses. soon the young duke of cheshire, the groom of virginia, will come. after a walk with the her groom virginia finds the ghost. the girl feels sorry for him. virginia can help the ghost.   the ghost shows her a prophecy: golden-haired child will help the spirit to find peace. the girl agrees. the otis family is looking for a girl, but can not find. in the evening virginia appears with a casket full of jewels. when the duke reaches adulthood, he marries virginia. after the honeymoon virginia and her husband cecil visit the grave of sir simon canterville. cecil asks his wife to tell what they did with ghost that night, but she doesn't want to talk about it.

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