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1) When I am hungry I want to …
2) When I am thirsty I want to …
3) People cannot live without …
4) There is a lot of … in vegetables and fruit.
5) Plants cannot live without …
6) People have got four … a day.
7) English people drink tea with …
8) Russian tea is tea with … in it.
9) In summer everybody likes to eat berries, fruit or ice-cream for …
10) … is the biggest meal of a day.

3. true or false:
1) Roast beef and beefsteak are traditional Russian dishes.
2) Pudding is an Italian dish.
3) People cannot live without food.
5) Animals can live without food.
6) Plants can live without water.
7) Cabbage is a fruit.
8) Vitamins are not important for people.
9) Children must eat a lot of sweet every day.
10) Vegetables and eggs make our bones and teeth strong.
11) Children must drink coffee every day.
12) To be healthy and strong people must eat the right food.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) I want to eat

2) I want to drink


1.escape 2.appeared 3.surrounded 4.moved 5.entered 6.produced

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