Есть ответ 👍

Turn the following sentences into reported speech.
“I got my exam results yesterday,” Jim told us.
“I`ve been training hard recently,” the sportsman told the reporters.
“What time will you be home?” Mum asked me.
“Don`t make so much noise!” the librarian said to the boys.
“Have you finished these reports?” the boss asked me.
“Coal is found underground,” the teacher said.
“I won`t be late again,” he said to us.
“Put your hands up!” the policemen told to the thieves.
“We must go home now,” the man told his children.
“Do you like computer games?” John asked Sam.

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Ответы на вопрос:


1)Завод производит прочный металл для строительства домов. По сравнению с годом добыто 2 млн тонн.

2) Люди всегда хотели летать, как птицы, поэтому изобрели

3) Столько всего сейчас например телефоны компьютеров. Их можно использовать не только дома, но и где угодно - в школе, в кафе, парках.

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Популярно: Английский язык