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Напишите, какие времена и формы используются для выражения будущего времени в предложениях ниже.
1. My Granny will have retired when she becomes 55.
2. When are you going to see your parents?
3. Soon winter will come.
4. Do you know when our ship arrives in Liverpool?
5. I hope he will explain everything to you.
6. We are receiving a delegation from Britain tomorrow.
7. I`ll be flying to London tomorrow at 3.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i (will go) out later. 2. he (is cooking) an omelette for dinner. 3. in ten years' time i (will be) boss of my own successful company. 4. we (watch) the news in the evenings. 5. is he (doing) his homework? - no, he (is listening) to music. 6. what are you ( doing) these days? - unfortunately, i (am working) a lot. 7. are you ( working) at your essay? 8. what are you ( doing) in this shop? - i (am buying) a pair of shoes. 9. my girl (is not coming) with me to the disco. will you ( come) with me, guys? 10. this motorbike (to belong) to my neighbour.

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