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Очень Переведите на английский, используя данное прилагательное. В скобках определите степень сравнения.

1. Мой дядя младше моего отца (young)

2. Моя сумка тяжелее твоей (heavy)

3. История - самый интересный предмет (interesting)

4. Наша баскетбольная команда самая популярная в городе (popular)

5. Это самая плохая комедия. (bad)

6. Автобусы более переполнены, чем трамваи (crowded)

7. Это самая блестящая идея (brilliant)

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Ответы на вопрос:

4. Read the text about Australia and fill in the gaps with the or zero article (10).

Australia is an island and the 6th largest country in the world. It lies between the South Pacific Ocean. It is home to rainforests, (1) the Indian Ocean and (2) rural areas and beautiful beaches. Australia is known for its various landscapes and natural beauty. Australia has 8,222 islands - that's a lot! From (3) Fraser Island and (4) Whitsundays to (5) Great Keppel and (6) Fitzroy - each island in Australia has its own unique beauty.

There are not many natural freshwater lakes in Australia. (7) Blue Lake which is near (8) Mount Gambier gets its name from its deep blue-colored water. What's interesting about (9) Lake Hillier is that its water is pink. The highest mountain of Australia is (10) Mount Kosciuszko with 2,228 metres. The longest river in Australia is (11) the River Murray with 2,508 kilometres. Over one third of Australia is a desert. There are ten deserts in Australia. One of the largest and hottest Australian deserts is (12) the Great Victoria Desert.

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