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Study Train Your Brain. In pairs, read David’s application form below and compare it with his CV. Can you find any mistakes? – Изучите раздел Тренируйте свой мозг. В парах прочитайте анкету Дэвида ниже, и сравните ее с его резюме. Можете ли вы найти какие-либо ошибки?​​

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Ответы на вопрос:

не правильные годы рождения


в анкете и в тексте они не совпадают

Writing application forms — Написание анкеты

1. Type the form or write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS. – Печатайте или пишите ответы заглавными буквами.

2. Don’t translate foreign addresses. – Не переводите иностранные адреса.

3. Answer all the questions. — ответьте на все во Если вам не нужно писать ответ, напишите N / A (не применимо).

5. Be careful with your spelling. — Будьте внимательны с правописанием.

6. Always sign and date the form. – Всегда подписывайте и ставьте дату.

7. Give truthful information. — Дайте достоверную информацию.


  am studying in 8th class of the gymnasium.in high school we study a lot of subjects.it is subjects such as physics, mathematics, biology, russian language, literature, chemistry, history and others.  i know that all subjects are important and all subjects should be given much attention.i spend a lot of time studying them at home.  but still i like to learn english.  at english lessons we read many texts, doing written tests and teach topics.to prepare for the english exam i'm training everyday in listening, reading texts, summaries of their meaning, thematic topics, interpretation and translation.  i chose this language because it will be useful to me in the future.  english is the language of international business, it is often being negotiated.today without the knowledge of a foreign language do not, as it is more opportunities in choosing a job.  i plan to use english language skills to feel confident in a foreign country.  knowledge of a foreign language is important in the field of science and education

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