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позязя я не понимать

1.There is________(few,little)milk in the fridge.

2. There is________(a few,a little) bread in the closet.

3. I ate_______(many,much) soup.

4. We bought_______(few,little)apples.

5. Tigers eat _______(many,much) meat.

6.Boris bought__________(a few,a little) nuts.

7. Dina ate_________(many,much) ice cream.

8. Cats eat_________(many,much) mice.

9. Dima tried____________(a few,a little) cakes.

10. I bought___________(a few,a little) mangoes.

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Ответы на вопрос:

little, a little, much, few , much , a few , much , many , a little , a few

1. There is little milk in the fridge.

2. There is a little bread in the closet.

3. I ate much soup.

4. We bought few apples.

5. Tigers eat much meat.

6. Boris bought a few nuts.

7. Dina ate much ice cream.

8. Cats eat many mice.

9. Dima tried a few cakes.

10. I bought a few mangoes.

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my favorite subject is English. this is a very interesting subject. my friends and I really like to study it. our English teacher praises me very much for my efforts. I try to get good grades.

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