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Ребята решить тест 1. Fill in : rate, honeymoon, stubborn, sensitive, overweight, blush, patient, aisle, sneeze, cheerful
1.Ann is a bit ….; She should stop eating junk food
2 I usually ….., when I am embarrassed
3.Polina is very …. person and understands people’s feelings and problems
4.Our teacher is very ….
5.My brother is so … ; when he makes up his mind about something he doesn’t change it
6. The bride and her father entered the church and walked down the ….
7.The bride’s friends payed for the tickets to Amsterdam where they are going on their …..
8. A…. reaction to an irritation in the nose
9.Exercises increases a heart ….
10. Tom is a really person. He never seems to be in a bad mood.

2. Put the verbs into the Past Simple , Present Perfect , Present Perfect Continuous tense
1. Hawaii were great , but I ( miss) my relatives .
2. We ( spend) last year in Canada.
3. My friends (travel) around the world since May.
4. We ( send) already the invitation cards to the wedding party
5. Sue (listen) to music all night long.
6. Bill (buy) a very expensive flat in the city center.

3.Put the correct modals: must, must not ,may, let, should, could
1.John ….from America, but I am not sure.
2. You aren’t wearing a coat. You …..be very cold.
3. My neighbour ….his dog bark all night.
4.You …. tell lies.
5….you, please, pass me the mustard?
6.You look so pale , I think you ….at home

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my hero is bauyrzhan momyshuly. was born in mynbulak villaje in zhambyl region in 1910.when he was hero l like him books because it was made on real events. i admire him because he is a hero kazakhstan. i klm


ну смотри сначала ты должен был выбрать своего героя ж пола или м пола. ну например возьмём бауржана момушили.

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