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Сhange the positive phrases into the negative ones. Use full verb forms without full stops.

1. Sam sleeps
2. Sally sleeps
3. They walk

Choose the right variant:

1. Mike ... his kite on windy days.

2. My mum ... a uniform to work.

3. He .... his bike to school every morning.

Read these sentences and write do / does in the gaps:

1. ... John go the café every day?
2. ... Mike run a company?
3. ... Jack play cards?

Write the correct variant (only verb forms):

1. Sam (has / have) breakfast every morning.
2. We (return / returns) home at 5 pm.
3. I (like / likes) pop music.

Write the correct form of the verb to be:

1. We ... from Spain.
2. I ... a football player.
3. ... you in the office?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Элвис его любимый певец перевод: elvis is his favourite singer. g: is elvis his favourite singer?   wh: who i s his favourite singer? это тетрадка тома. перевод: this is tom's note-book. g: is this tom's note-book? wh: whose note-book is this? он чистит зубы каждое утро перевод: he brushes his teeth every morning. g: does h e brush his teeth every morning? wh: how often d oes he brush his teeth? они поют песню. перевод: they are singing a song. g: are they singing a song? wh: what are they singing?

Популярно: Английский язык