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Choose the word or phrase A, B, C, that best completes each sentence

1. Several customers have phoned us to… complaints about the quality of our after sales service.

A do B make C say

2. To gain the customers’ attention companies should do a … job in advertising.

A good B better C worse

3. I hate ….business over the phone.

A doing B making C do

4. She used to …with such important contracts.

A dealing B deal C handle

5.Are you…working for the same company?

A yet B already C still

6.Interest rates have been … since the government changed.

A rise B drop C falling

7. How long did it … to launch the product?

A take B took C takes

8.A lot of progress has been … in developing ultra-light materials.

A done B did C made

9. The recent devaluation of the currency will result … many companies going bankrupt.

A in B for C to

10. Consumers have shown a marked … for environmentally packaged goods.

A preferential B preferred C preference

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Ответы на вопрос:

Awere you b was not / was a was b is a is в последних b и a честно говоря зависит от темы, которую вы проходите на уроке сейчас и от того, что человек имеет ввиду в диалоге. возможно, что по вашей тематике требуется написать: b. was it far from moscow? a. yes, it was. хотя я бы лично в таком диалоге употребил настоящее время (ведь деревня никуда не убежала, она и сейчас стоит далеко от москвы), поэтому я ответил is / is. a b was / were a was b were / were a was not

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