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II.1 Дополните предложения глаголом в правильной форме; обращайте внимание на маркеры времени:
a) The subordinate reported to the manager that he already _________ (to complete) the task.
b) Yesterday I ________ (to go) to London to close a very important deal.
c) The suppliers promise that they _______________ (to deliver) the materials by Friday.
d) If I _______________ (to have) time, I will join you at 5 p.m.
e) How often you usually _______________ (to go) on business trips every year?
f) I hope they _______________ (to accept) our proposal tomorrow.
g) Our company _______________ (to trade) mobile phones for 20 years already and we _______________ (to become) a true market leader.
h) He said he _______________ (to send) his CV to the HR Department on Friday.
i) Next month we _______________ (to work) in this department for 15 years already.
j) What negotiations you _______________ (to hold) at the moment?

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Ответы на вопрос:

2. Have you ever eaten chocolate

3. What have you usually for lunch

4. How much water drink you every day

5. Are you a vegetarian

6. How many fish you eat a week


2. Это Present Perfect

3. Проверь обязательно

4. Тут должно быть всё Ок

5. Ты не делаешь вегетарианца

6. Fish - слово исключение, поэтому пишем one fish и four fish

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