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Join the two sentences using the word in brackets
Example: It’s an old computer. It works okay. Although it’s an old computer, it works okay.
1. There weren’t enough students. They closed the village school (as)
2. Some students came to school as usual. Others stayed at home. (but)
3. There was no snow. We couldn’t go skiing. (because)
4. Cycling is fun. It can be hard work.(although)
5. Nobody wanted to go. They cancelled the school trip. (so)
6. Do you want to go out tonight? Have you got to study? (or)

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1 - This are my parents

2 - That apple

3 - This quiz is easy

4 - this book

5 - These

6 - This

7 - Those

8 - Those children are playing football

9 - These babies are crying

Популярно: Английский язык