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1) Complete using the correct form: -ing form or infinitive.
1) She can’t resist _______ (buy) new clothes on sales.
2) I’ll never forgive Jane for _______ (talk) to me like that.
3) Susan is not very good at ________ (make) new friends.
4) Does Jack dislike _______ (walk) so much?
5) He stopped _______ (listen) to some familiar tunes on the radio, and then went out of the
6) I don’t know how you manage _________ (persuade) the bank manager to lend so much
7) The children were pretending ________ (be) asleep.
8) Your answer appears _______ (be) wrong.
9) I can’t stand people ________ (cheat) on exams.
10) I didn’t want ______ (take) an exam.
11) Do you deny _______ (steal) money.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1) bought 7) was

2) talking. 8) was

3) making. 9) cheating

4) walking. 10) taking

5) listening. 11) stealing

6) persuading


Coffee is grown in Kenya.

(Кофе выращивают в Кении).

2) Such things are often required (by travellers).

(Такие вещи часто необходимы (путешественникам)).

3) You will be informed about the results.

(Вы будете проинформированы о результатах).

4) Those souvenirs were bought in Spain.

(Эти сувениры были привезены из Испании).

5) Their shop is closed on Sunday.

(Их магазин закрыт в воскресенье).

6) Our payments were accepted (by the bank).

(Наши платежи были приняты (банком)).

7) You will be led to the cash point (by Mary).

(Тебя проведут до кассы (Мария)).

8) The hotel was easily found.

(Отель был легко найден).

9) My students will be signed up for the shorthand course.

(Мои студенты будут записаны на курс стенографии).

10) This couple is much spoken about.

(Об этой паре много говорят).

11) Such questions are often asked.

(Такие вопросы часто спрашивают).

12) Winston Churchill’s speeches are often referred to (by politicians)

(На речи Уинстона Черчилля часто ссылаются (политики)).

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