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For some years the two live happily. Then,
Shin comes to the island. The ship is under pirates'
otrol Crusoe saves the captain of the ship and his
men from the pirates and they take him back to

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Ответы на вопрос:

В течение нескольких лет они живут счастливо. Потом,
Син приходит на остров. Корабль находится под управлением пиратов. Крузо капитана корабля и его людей от пиратов, и они забирают его обратно в Англию.

Деякі роки вони живуть щасливо. Тоді,

На острів приходить Шин. Корабель знаходиться під піратами '

отрол Крузо рятує капітана корабля та його

чоловіки з піратів, і вони повертають його назад



1) He made a good impression,didn't he?

2) If he spoke better English he would look

for a jobabroad,_wouldn't he ?

3) She’s his half-sister, __isn't she__?

4) They don’t really see eye to eye, _do they___?

5) You are moving to Brazil, __aren't you?

6) Your little Angie can’t walk yet, can she?

7) I’ m a responsible person, am not I -?

8) Let’ s try and get on with him, __shall we ___?

9) Don’t do that, do you ___?

10) He used to come here, didn't he?

11) Nobody in that group had much in

common,___hadn't they?

12) You just can’t get on with

step-brother, your___can you___?

13) How beautiful the garden is,isn't it___ ?

14) He had a bad headache,hadn't he___ ?

15) There is neither electricity nor gas island,on theisn't there__?

16) Have a cup of tea, haven't you__?

17) Nothing can stop us now, __can't they?

18) Tourists used to come here, _didn't they___?

19) Most people cannot go to Africa,can they___?

20) I should ring him up after our quarrel,___shouldn't I ___?

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