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Дополни предложения с зависимыми предлогами любым выражением из скобок: 1. doing some volunteer work

1. I would like to get involved IN _________ (a community action group, online learning platforms, an environmental movement, doing some volunteer work.

2. Can you think OF a good way to________ ( celebrate the Last Bell Party, raise money for the charity, give a presentation to your class, protect yourself in case of an epidemy).

3. Have you ever thought ABOUT_____________ (doing some volunteer work, moving to another town, choosing a future career, travelling to faraway countries, observing social distancing measures)?

4. In this tough time, we should take care OF___________ ( our families and friends, the nearest and dearest, the loved ones, the members of our families, our pets).

5. I have watched films about people rescued FROM____________ (floods, avalanches, a tsunami, extreme weather events, an earthquake, a wildfire, a hurricane, a desert island).

6. I think some people can burst INTO tears when ____________( watching melodramas, watching the latest news, getting some bad news about their relatives, seeing neglected animals).

7. We should show kindness TO people because we all _________( are in the same boat, try to do our best, work as hard as we can, struggle to survive, can fall seriously ill and even die, deserve love and affection)

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Подумайте, каким вы были в начальной школе. что изменилось между тем и сейчас? напишите предложения, используя эти глаголы и сравнительные прилагательные или наречия. 1 есть 2 носить 3 учиться 4 играть 5 утра 6 иметь

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