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Составить 5 предложений на тему «каникулы» по плану:
1. Когда начались-закончились;
2. Длительность;
3. Что делали;
4. Что не успели сделать;
5. Отношение. (начать с фразы All in all, I … - Как бы там ни было, я(мне)… )
Пример: All in all I’m sure, I will not get into a big trouble. - Как бы там ни было, я уверен, что не попаду в большую переделку.
All in all, I personally think the concert was OK. Как бы там ни было, мне лично концерт

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) 4. he covered the wall with pictures of football stars. 

2) waiter: how is your steak? customer: it hasn't been cooked enough. can you take it back, please? 3)my room is cleaned. i am ready. 4) 3. they rejected the plan to build a new theatre. 5) the doctor was sent for an hour ago. 6) our knowledge of foreign language needs to be   constantly updated. 7) the football players have to practice every afternoon. 8)  when she didn't win the competition, she was disappointed. 9) many students find it hard to do all the study that has to be done. 10) did you see lucy at the party? she looked so happy. 11) i'm sorry, but you can't sit there. that table is reserved.  12) don't worry about the chair. it was already broken before you sat on it. 13) do you know how strawberry jam is made? 14) i didn't have to go anywhere yesterday so i was not affected by the bus strike. 15) lisa was married three years ago, but now she is divorced. 16)every year a prize is awarded to the best violin player 17) when i came to their place, they had already had breakfast  18) bobby was injured in a car accident. 19) the room was being cleaned when i arrived 20) 2.this sport has not been broadcast on tv before


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