11.08.2021 10:49
Есть ответ 👍

ОСОБЕННОСТИ творчества Фёдора Шаляпина. Нужно для конспекта! НЕ сочинение, НЕ сообщение!

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,4(73 оценок)

Оперный,звенящий,басовый и громкий голос-обладает Фёдор Шаляпин.

4,5(80 оценок)

8. if it were not for the silence that reigned in the house, she would not have heard anything. 9. if it were not for the alarm clock, we would have overslept today. 10. if it were not for your letter, he would not have learnt anything about our trip to moscow. 11. she would have come long ago if it had not been for the heavy rain. 12. if it were not for this weather, she would feel good. 13. if it were not for bad roads, we would have reached our destination long ago.

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