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Напиши ex.9, p.91 пассивным голосом)(91 беттегі 9-жаттығуды ырықсыз етіспен жаз)​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. It was made with white marble in 190 b.c.

2. It was discovered on the island of S. in 1863 by a French archaeologist.

3. It was sent to Paris in 1863.

4. It is kept in the Louvre.

5. It is admired by thousands of tourists every day.

1. he explained that because he had [been] only recently started to work2.  in the office everybody was taking advantage of him. he3.  complained that they kept [up] asking him to do things which he4.  says are not his job to do [it]. senior members of staff5.  asked him to make a coffee and one of them even told him6.  to buy him a newspaper. the assistant director asked [of] him7.  whether he would mind [to] getting him some cigarettes8.  i asked george how long [had] this had been going on and he said9.  it had stated on his firs day in the office. i advised him to go and 10. talk to his boss. he replied that he [has] had already had a 11. word with the manager but   he refused to get involved and even 12. suggested [whether] it was georges fault if there was tension   at 13. work. i wondered whether we should [to] persuade  george to apply  14. for a job with us but i don't know [about] whether he would agree to work on a much lower salary that he's getting at the moment.

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