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Вставьте, где это необходимо, пропущенные предлоги времени at, in, on.

1. ... last summer we spent our holiday in France. 2. Alice goes to the swimming-pool ... every Saturday.3. Bye, see you ... Tuesday! 4. Chris's gone, but he'll return ... an hour. 5. He usually leaves home early ... the morning and comes back late ... night. 6. I'm going to visit my friends ... the end of September. 7. Bob is going to play tennis ... next Sunday. 8. Mr. Jones has a meeting ... three o'clock this afternoon. 9. Shakespeare died ... 1616. 10. The phone rang ... the middle of the night, waking everyone in the house. 11. The train starts ... 8.50. 12. They moved to this town ... 1992. 13. We are going on holiday ... August this year.14.The play begins ... 7 o'clock this evening. 15. I have got an interview ... Monday afternoon.

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Ответы на вопрос:

everyone has the right to education.

basic general education is compulsory.

education includes not only training.

education includes the upbringing of the human.

there are three levels of education in our country : pre-school,general school,professional.










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