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2. Examination tests.
$$$ Choose the right variant of Present Continuous. She can’t come to the phone now. She …. a shower.
$$ will have
$ has
$ is having
$ had
$$$ Choose the right variant. Traditional Kazakh … revolves around mutton and horse meat as well as various milk products.
$$ kitchen
$ cuisine
$ culture
$ history
$$$ Choose the right variant. Maria cleaned the kitchen _______ I did the bathroom.
$$ first of all
$ as
$ while
$ eventuality
$$$ Choose the right variant. He opened the door _______I touched the handle.
$$ as for
$ finally
$ just as
$ first of all
$$$ Choose the right variant. I ____ aerobics.
$$ jump
$ do
$ play
$ go
$$$ Choose the right variant. He’s developed ___________to cats. He starts sneezing as soon as he comes near one.
$$ a sprain
$ a cough
$ an allergy
$ pneumonia
$$$ Choose the right variant of Present Simple. She ______ to the gym three times a week.
$$ going is
$ am going
$ goes
$ go
$$$ Choose the correct variant: We… each other since we were children.
$$ known
$ have known
$ have been knowing
$ has known
$$$ Choose the correct variant. A ‘___________?’. B ‘Tomorrow. My flight is in the morning’.
$$ When did you leave?
$ When have you been leaving?
$ When is you leaving?
$ When are you going to leave?
$$$ Choose the right variant in Past Simple. They ___ ________ last year.
$$ got married
$ are marrying
$ is married
$ will get marry
$$$ Choose the correct variant. I won’t ______ anybody where you are. I promise you!
$$ telling
$ tell
$ speak
$ keep
$$$ Choose the right variant in Past Continuous. Peter picked up the tickets when Sarah __________ a siesta.
$$ was having
$ had
$ will having
$ not have
$$$ Choose the correct variant. I was probably very ………., and in a way selfish, because I did everything myself.
$$ lazy
$ cheerful
$ bossy
$ funny
$$$ Choose the right variant. Football player is in a position to put the ball into the net and score a _____.
$$ kick
$ yellow card
$ goal
$ foul
$$$16 Choose the correct variant. Your husband’s mother is your …………...
$$ mother-in-law’s
$ sister-in-law
$ mother-in-law
$ step mother-in-law
$$$ Choose the right variant. He says he’s got the flu, but it’s really just a cold. He’s _________a lot at night.
$$ coughing
$ hearing
$ swelling
$ itching
$$$ Choose the right variant. ‘An apple a day keeps the ________ away.’
$$ doctor
$ teacher
$ engineer
$ pensioner
$$$ Choose the correct variant. You look as if you … just …up.
$$ have. Woken
$ has… woken
$ had… wake
$ have… wakes
$$$ Complete the proverb: Money has no …
$$ shape
$ smelling
$ color
$ smell
$$$ Choose the correct word for the given definition: - to get money after death of a close relative-
$$ borrow
$ inherit
$ lend
$ giv

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Ответы на вопрос:

Написала про i would like to visit france. there's a lot to see, for example: the lavender fields of provence in southern france, the champs elysees in paris, the eiffel tower. france is a country of romance. in france, very popular wine of bordeaux. yet there is all the famous delicious croissants. there's a quiet and friendly atmosphere. people are very friendly and sweet.  also there are so many monuments and attractions. france is a wonderful country!

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