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Task 1.

Определите, Active или Passive

1. They often listen to music.

2. She is reading the newspaper now.

3. These cars are produced in Japan.

4. Alan teaches geography.

5. German is spoken in Austria.

6. Lots of houses were destroyed by the earthquake in


7. Henry Ford invented the assembly line.

8. The bus driver was hurt yesterday.

Task 2.

Измените предложения из Active в Passive Voice

1. Julia rescued three cats.

2. The students handed in the reports.

3. Maria crashed into the blue car.

4. Alex learned the poem.

5. Steven has forgotten the book.

6. People said that the President is ill.

7. They play handball.

8. Sue puts the rucksack on the floor.

9. The girls had lost the match.

10. The teacher is not going to open the window.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Уменя есть (лучший) друг. его зовут (так-то). ему (столько-то) лет.  у него есть интересное хобби, он (допустим, в шахматы играет, плавает или поёт). мы каждый день гуляем с ним. можешь еще его качества написать.  он хороший друг. 

Популярно: Английский язык