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Ex.2. Translate into English. Use Complex Object.
Употребите сложное дополнение с инфинитивом (без частицы to) или
причастием Ving) в зависимости от смысла предложения.
1. Она видела, как я открыл окно.
2. Я слышал, как они говорили об этом.
3. Она заметила, как он выходил из комнаты.
4. Они почувствовали, как машина остановилась.
5. Учитель наблюдал, как ученики делали упражнение.​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1) She saw me open the window;

2) I heard them talking about it;

3) She noticed how he left the room;

4) They felt, the car stop;

5) The teacher watched, the students do the exercise;

Объяснение: хорошего тебе дня;)

Write sentences in reported speech with 'say' or 'tell'.

1. Bob says that he does his homework every day.

2. Kelly says that she cleaned her room yesterday.

3. Susan tells me that she is typing a document now.

4. John tells her that his sister went to the cinema last Saturday.

5. Peter tells him that he will help him with Math tomorrow.

6. Kathy says that she has washed all clothes.

7. Steve says that he was reading from 6 till 7 pm yesterday.

8. Jane says that she had come home by 5 pm yesterday.

9. Mrs Green says that her friend is running at the moment.

10. Mr Smithson says that he is working now.

Популярно: Английский язык