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Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs.

1. Everybody admires her manners, besides she is full ... grace. 2. They always go to the countryside ... Sundays. 3. Such way of painting is not common ... the natives. 4. He is a wonderful father. When his wife is absent he acts as nursemaid ... his son. 5. ... a cry of delight she threw herself ... the cool water. 6. We met ... a little while in a small cafe. 7. He felt terribly homesick. It was hardest ... all to be parted ... the family. 8. He often thought ... her and wrote letters ... her. 9. Last year he fell ill ... some seriuos ailment and was kept ... hospital for several weeks. 10. Her education is poor and she is unfit ... this kind of work. 11. When he saw his friends, he waved ... them. 12. He had to search ... the crowd ... her for a long time. 13. ... the distance we could see the lights of the city. 14. ... the evening he decided to visit his friends whom he had not seen ... so long. 15. He never said a hard word ... the girl he had loved so much. 16. They decided to settle ... in this small house. 17. She is engaged ... my cousin. 18. ... a happy chance he had money ... his own, enough to start a small business. 19. As soon as he saw her, he fell ... love ... her. 20. We never ceased to be touched ... his kind attention. 21. ... this time his rheumatism prevented him ... doing anything at all. 22. His hands were coarse and hard ... constant toil. 23. ... my word, they are such nice people. 24. ... case you meet her, ask her to come to visit with us.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Of

2. On

3. To

4. For? (Or maybe to)

5. As, into

6. At

7. Of

8. Of, to

9. To, at

10. For

11. At

12. In (or maybe at?)

13. At?

14. In

15. To

16. ???

17. To

18. ??

19. In, with

20. With?

21. At, from

22. With (or maybe at)

23. In?

24. In

решал со своим иностранным другом так что должно быть правильно.

Деньги: в одном фунте сто пенсов. вы можете сказать "p", когда имеете в виду "пенсы", к примеру "восемьдесят р." где остановиться: отели в британии дорогие, "кровать и завтрак" в чьем-то доме гораздо дешевле. вы так же можете остановиться в молодежных общежитиях. передвижение: есть, конечно, двухэтажные автобусы, откуда вы можете увидеть хороший вид с высоты. есть так же автобусы  между . они дешевле, чем поезда. существует так же метро, в котором более 500 станций. его не так легко использовать, вы должны сначала научиться, прежде чем пользоваться им. питание: рестораны дорогие и вы не можете быть уверены, что еда вкусная. в пабах есть хорошая недорогая еда. магазины быстрого питания и магазины гамбургеров дешевые.

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