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Fill in the words in the correct form:
store, edit, digital, memory, consider, device, hook, convenient, freak, move, jam;
on, up, about, back; at, in, under, out of, on.
1. Andy is crazy about gadgets. He is a complete techno _____ .
2. Sarah is _____ a career as a photographer.
3. You are really _____ on using social networks.
1 балл
4. My sister loves the _____ camera I bought her for her birthday.
5. Why do you _____ all these useless files on your laptop?
6. You should change the _____ card for your camera.
1 балл
7. Can you help me ______ my letter of application. *
8. This rock band is very popular. It has a lot of concerts, that’s why it is on the ____ all the time.
9. Oh no! The paper in the printer is ______ again.
10. The ______ thing about this electronic dictionary is that it's easy to carry anywhere.
11. You can store the whole of your music collection on one tiny _______ .
12. The girls were brought ___ by their grandparents.
13. Stress can bring ___ a heart attack.
14. Modern technology has brought ____ big improvements in communications.
15. Helen has finally brought ____ the disk I lent her.
16. I tried so hard and got so far but ____ the end it doesn't even matter.
17. My mum wasn’t sure ____ first, but now she uses her new smartphone all the time.
18. Please stop putting me ______ pressure, dad. I'm tired of being what you want me to be.
19. The microwave oven is _____ order for a month.
20. My sister is always ____ the phone.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) convenient 2) freak 3) move 4) edit 5) store 6) digital 7) device 8) memory 9)jam 10)hook



d skating

e canoeing

f fishing




skating- катання на ковзанах

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