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Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Past Simple. Используйте Активный и Пассивный залог.

1. The house ____________(to build) in 2020.

2. The Brooks ___________(to become) famous last year.

3. Money _____________(to keep) in the bank.

4. The parcel __________(to send) yesterday.

5. All the money ___________(to spend) on clothes last week.

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Ответы на вопрос:

will build


is keeping


has spent


Isaw you yesterday in the library. what were you doing there? - i was reading for the coming exam. i had been sitting for 3 hours there when you came in. - have you read everything for the exam now? - not yet. but i shall have done everything by the beginning of the week.- you look tired, what’s the matter with you? - i have been running at the stadium. - are you train ing for a sport competition? - yes, i am going to take part in the competition next month. - good luck! i think you will be able to win the first prize if you train hard.- what have you been doing in the kitchen all morning? - i have been making pies. apple pies are ready, strawberry ones (are bak ing/are being baked) now. after all pies are made i will clean the kitchen. will you help me? - where are you carrying your dog? - to the local vet. - what has happened to him? - there is something wrong with his ear i’m afraid, he has been scratch ing it for some days already! - never mind, the vet will certainly prescribe the right medicine after your dog is examined/has been examined.

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