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10. Choose the correct answer. (выбери правильный ответ)
1) Jill asked me whether I would go/had gone to the park the next day.
2) Jane asked me who had stolen/will steal his car.
3) Mary asked her where she had been/will be the day before.
4) Jack asked me who would be/was the owner of that house
5) She asked the shop assistant what the price of that dress was/were.
6) They asked me whether we would go/will go to the theatre.
11. Write down the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
(запиши глагол в нужной форме)
1) They asked me whether we ____________ (go) to the theatre.
2) He asked me where I ____________ (buy) that jacket.
3) He asked me if I ____________ (receive) his present.
4) She asked me if I ____________ (buy) a present for my mum the day before.
5) She asked me whose coat ____________ (be) that.
12. Choose the correct answer.(выбери правильный вариант ответа)
1) She _________ him to come at 4 o’clock.
1) said
2) told
3) tell
2) Ann _______ me to close the window.
1) asked
2) ask
3) said
3) He ________ me to bring her some water.
1) asked
2) said
3) says
4) My mom _______ me no to go to the car.
1) tell
2) told
3) say
5) She ______ me to clean the house.
1) said
2) ask
3) ordered
13. Choose the correct answer. (выбери правильный вариант ответа)
1) I asked him whether he _______ to go fishing
1) wanted
2) will want
3) will be wanting
2) He asked me if I _______ his invitation.
1) accepted
2) will accept
3) were not accept
3) He asked Josh where he ________ the house the day before.
1) rent
2) had rented
3) would rent
4) He asked me if I ________ to go on holiday with him the next week.
1) had gone
2) will go
3) would go
5) He asked me why I _________ this.
1) would do
2) had done
3) will do

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i want all the children laughed. 2. i heard that she knew about it. 3. i would like chto¬by doctor looked at it. 4. he saw that his friend went in the wrong direction. 5. i would not want chto¬by they were too late. 6. i hope that the letter will come tomorrow. 7. i knew he was a great scholar. 8. it is allowed to take to read her diary. 9. i did not expect it to happen so soon. 10. she felt that someone was watching her. 11. she made the dog to jump over the fence. 12. so¬baka forced to climb the cat derevo.13. i would like you to come to us. 14. it is expected that the teacher praised her. 15. would you like me to tell you this story?

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