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Прочитайте и выберите правильные слова. My difficult/favourite season is summer, because I was born in summer. It is warm and sometimes cold/hot. There are a lot of flowers, fruit and vegetables. In summer I can go to the sea or a river. I like swimming/flying. My hobby is playing chess. I like playing chess with my father. I have a bicycle. My friends and I often ride horses/bicycles. With my family and our dog we go to the forest. We like nature. We like cooking/listening to birds. Sometimes I and my

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1.favourite 2.cold 3.swimming 4 bicycles 5 listening

ответ:My favourite season is summer, because I was born in summer. It is warm and sometimes hot. There are a lot of flowers, fruit and vegetables. In summer I can go to the sea or a river. I like swimming. My hobby is playing chess. I like playing chess with my father. I have a bicycle. My friends and I often ride bicycles. With my family and our dog we go to the forest. We like nature. We like listening to birds. Sometimes I and my


Мое любимое время года - лето, потому что я родился летом. Здесь тепло, а иногда и жарко. Здесь много цветов, фруктов и овощей. Летом я могу пойти на море или реку. Я люблю плавать. Мое хобби - играть в шахматы. Мне нравится играть в шахматы с моим отцом. У меня есть велосипед. Я и мои друзья часто катаемся на велосипедах. Вместе с семьей и собакой мы идем в лес. Нам нравится природа. Нам нравится слушать птиц. Иногда я и мой

It’s a well-known fact that there are 4 seasons of the year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. each of them has its advantages. as for me, i like all seasons of the year. in winter i’m fond of skating and skiing. i enjoy playing snowballs with my friends. but for sure, sometimes it’s really cold in winter and i can’t go for a walk. for that reason i need to spend much time at home watching tv and playing computer games. and i like to spend time outdoors. spring and autumn are also marvellous. in spring everything is green. there is an atmosphere of love and tenderness. in autumn i like to spend time in different parks. all the leaves are red, yellow, and sometimes purple. you can make excellent photos. but it’s not a secret that my favourite season is summer. you can ask me a simple question: “why? ” i can name you a million reasons for that. first of all, i keen on hot weather; i don’t like rains and winds. in summer the weather is really great. also you can have a rest from your school classes. i like to study, but every pupil is tired at the end of the academic year. in summer i enjoy spending time by the sea. i also like to bask in the sun. i’ve got a cool bicycle, so i usually ride it. my grandparents live in a village, and in summer i like to spend some weeks there, swimming in the river, fishing, picking mushrooms and berries. my favourite season is summer, but i can find beauties in each season of the year.

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